Wednesday, April 16, 2014

4/14/2014 Estimate of the Potential from a Charged Ring & Experiment: Electric Potential Lab

Estimate of the Potential from a Charged Ring
Estimate the electric potential at point P due to the charged ring.  

Divide the ring into 20 elements of charge dq and calculate the total V at a distance of x = 20 cm from the center of the ring by using the excel spreadsheet.  

Calculating the total V at point P where x = 20 cm by the spreadsheet.  

Moves the point P to the position as show in picture, the distance between the point P and the ring is not constant.  

Calculating the total V at point P by using the spreadsheet.

Experiment: Electric Potential Lab
To determine the electric potential between two points due to a power supply (electric potential difference). We set the power supply to 15 V and using a power meter tested two points on the sheet. First we tested points on the two metallic paint marks and got a reading of 15.54 V. When we measured the potential difference between two points on the lower and higher potential conductor we got a value of 0.

Next we clipped one end of the power meter to the painted metallic circle and took measurements of electric potential X cm away, in increments of 1 cm. We also calculated the ratio between each pair of points. Our results are listed above.

Based on our data the direction of the electric field is in the -x direction. As the distance between the points continues down the +x direction the electric potential increases. This means it must be moving against the electric field which would thus have to pint in the -x direction.

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